Multidetector computed tomography of 450 patients with suspected acute pulmonary embolism in Cotonou


  • djiva



CT angiography, pulmonary embolism, alternative diagnosis, prognosis, Cotonou


Objective: to describe the results of CT angiography in patients suspected of pulmonary embolism in Cotonou.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study was conducted over a period of 42 months in two medical imaging departments in Cotonou. Included were all patients of both sexes and of any age who had undergone a CT angiography for suspected pulmonary embolism (PE) and whose reports were found in the archives of the two facilities. Descriptive data on the socio-demographic characteristics of patients, prescribers and CT angiography lesions were described using frequency calculations. The association between the occurrence of pulmonary embolism and alternative diagnoses on the one hand and socio-demographic factors on the other hand was investigated. The Pearson Chi2 test was used to compare the variables. At alpha = 5%, the association between the angioscanner result and the explanatory variables was considered statistically significant if p < 0.05. The strength of the association was estimated using the prevalence ratio (PR).

Results: Of the 450 suspect patients included, 26.44% had pulmonary embolism, 32.44% had an alternative diagnosis and 41.11% had a strictly normal CT angiography. Of the 119 PE-positive CT angiography, 21 (17.64%) had a DV/VG index >1. A proximal thrombus was 4.69 more likely to provide cardiac resonance than a lobar thrombus, IC95%=1.62-13.56, p=0.0004. Age greater than 60 years was the main factor associated with the occurrence of pulmonary embolism and the presence of an alternative diagnosis. The most common alternative diagnoses were acute pulmonary edema due to congestive heart failure, infectious pneumonitis and tumor pathology.

Conclusion: PE is common in Cotonou. CT angiography confirmed or excluded the diagnosis of PE and/or allowed for alternative diagnoses to be made.


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How to Cite

djiva. (2021). Multidetector computed tomography of 450 patients with suspected acute pulmonary embolism in Cotonou. Journal Africain D Imagerie Médicale (J Afr Imag Méd) Journal Officiel De La Société De Radiologie d’Afrique Noire Francophone (SRANF), 13(1).
Received 2021-03-23
Accepted 2021-08-28
Published 2021-08-28

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