Ct-scan evaluation of prognosis in hemorrhagic stroke


  • amadou




Hematome cérébral, prognostic vital, topographie, volume, tomodensitométrie,, Cerebral hematoma, vital prognosis, topography, volume, ct-scan,


Objective: to determine the CT scan factors prognosis of  cerebral heamatoma in the hospital environment.

Materials and Methods: analytical prospective study covering a period of 07 months, on 98 patients hospitalised in the Neurology department of the CHU campus of Lomé, victims of an hemorrhagic stroke (HS) confirmed on a brain scanner. The parameters studied concerned age, sex, clinical signs, topography, volume of hematoma, commitments, mortality and length of hospital stay.

Results : Our study involved 98 patients suffering from HS, with cérébral hematoma. The average age was 53.04 years. HTA was the main risk factor (40.89%).

Clinical signs were dominated by motor deficit (35.32%). The lethality rate was 41.8% (41 cases).  

Among the dead patients, the hematoma was subcortical in 75.6%, hematoma volume greater than 30 cm3 in 63,4%, and 70.7% had a brain scythe deviation of more than 10cm with a with a significant difference.

The average length of hospitalisation of dead  or surviving patients had no significant relationship with the topography, the volume of the hematoma, or the brain scythe deviation.

Conclusion: The volume and topography, associated with brain scythe deviation would be elements of the prognosis for hematoma


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How to Cite

amadou. (2021). Ct-scan evaluation of prognosis in hemorrhagic stroke. Journal Africain D Imagerie Médicale (J Afr Imag Méd) Journal Officiel De La Société De Radiologie d’Afrique Noire Francophone (SRANF), 13(1). https://doi.org/10.55715/jaim.v13i1.123